TAP into Aphasia

Staying Connected…THIS new tech might help!

It is fair to say that we all have a new appreciation for “connection” following a challenging 2 1/2 years of isolation and disengagement.  It has always been TAP’s mission to find avenues for connection and reduce the all-to-common feelings of social isolation after a diagnosis of aphasia. It is exactly why our organization shifted […]

Aphasia on the big screen!

This week saw “Aphasia” in the news, as Gabrielle Giffords, former AZ Congresswoman introduced her long awaited documentary:  “Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down”.  This powerful film chronicles Gabby’s life and her political journey that was tragically cut short by a targeted act of violence in January 2011 that took the life of 6 people and caused […]

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!