12 Days of Tap 2019: Day 7

12 Days of Tap 2019: Day 7

I Have a Village

– Written by Tonya Flowers –

My name is Tonya  Flowers,  I have a nurse I have several strokes.  I am currently going to school at NCCU  For strokes. While in Instructors   information  regarding TAP. 

  I have been with TAP    For about About 2 and a 1/2 years. Tap has been a   Very instrumental in my life. 

I have a village,  My husband,  Immediate family, and TAP family. 

 It was very  Difficult to adjust   Leaving the job that you love and I financial responsibility put all my husband. I depression set in.  

 The  The very 1st time that I went to Tap  It was a blessing. I love the fact that we are able to Tap is a special family we help each other  What reading, writing 

pronunciation,  And current  new.   Me the most imparted important part is Fellowship  with all different backgrounds. 

From the TAP Home Office:

Sometimes you meet someone with aphasia who so desperately wants you to know that they know… they do everything they can to try to explain to you that they are still completely there, but just experience challenges in the expression of those ideas/thoughts/memories, etc.  At TAP and amongst our TAP family, it’s not necessary.  We see beyond the language struggle and are here to help you unmask your competency and reveal your potential. 

Today’s story is written by Tonya.  A nurse whose stroke derailed her career, but not her passion for nurturing!  Initially shy, Tonya has really come out of her shell in the last few years! She is always a bright light in group, encouraging of others, and great at using her strategies. She has volunteered to talk to PA students about what it is like to receive medical care after having a stroke from the perspective of a nurse, which is so unique. We look forward to her enthusiasm in group and her support for her fellow group members. 

Thank you, Tonya, for sharing your journey with us.  We love you!!

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!