12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 8

12 Days of Tap 2020: Day 8

Aphasia: Learning that you are NOT Alone.

– Tanya Locklair –

Maura’s Intro:

Today’s story offers more than inspiration, more than motivation… it offers the opportunity to pause.  To be grateful.  To be present.  It’s a gift and it is personified by this incredible woman.  Tanya came into the TAP Home Office for her consultation accompanied by her friend, who just so happened to be her boss.  It was evident immediately that this law practice, Banks Law Firm, was more than a group of attorneys… it was a family and so the transition to our TAP family seemed, to me, a perfect fit!  I listened as Tanya told her story with grace and a paucity that made me absorb her entire experience.… I listened as she explained how her firm had stepped up and wanted to assist her as she embarked on this aphasia journey and there was a sense of calm commitment that to this day, I can’t explain.   

Tanya needed little coaxing to step into the group and appeared immediately relieved to know that the language challenges she was experiencing represented a shared reality. She captivated the group as she shared her narrative and was encouraged by their stories.  I was watching what I always dreamed that TAP would become, what I already knew TAP was…it was a safe place, a haven for this journey…and yes a family. Moreover, Tanya and her boss invited me to her law firm on multiple occasions to educate and train her coworkers on the impact of aphasia.  These trainings were evidence of the understanding that all persons who communicate with people with aphasia need the tools to assist, challenge and engage.  

I’m so appreciative that Tanya agreed to provide her story for the 12 Days, because here you will feel the reality of aphasia’s frustrating presence, but feel assured that hard work, commitment and faith will allow you to address, and often achieve, your goals.  Tanya has made incredible progress since her stroke…she continues to work, enjoy her hobbies and now serves on the TAP Unlimited Board of Directors.  Her role as an attorney, a stroke survivor and a woman with a mission to insure equitable services to those with aphasia…is a true gift to our organization.

Enjoy this video and written story!

Tanya (Client):

Immediately after my second stroke in June 2018, I was barely able to speak, and unable to read and write.  Like others who suffer from aphasia, the effects of this disorder were devastating to me personally and professionally as an attorney.  TAP has been instrumental in helping me find my voice, both literally and figuratively, by giving me the tools to better communicate, by providing me the confidence to know that I am not defective because of my condition, and most iportantly, by making me feel like I’m not alone. 

I am grateful that I can benefit from the excellent programs and support that TAP offers.  By being a client of TAP who is also a member of the Board of Directors, I am committed to making sure that “the voices” of those with aphasia are heard, loudly and clearly.

From the TAP Home Office:

TAP Unlimited’s End of Year Campaign provides TAP Stakeholders an opportunity to embrace the reason for our efforts and hear from those who have been impacted by aphasia.  Aphasia, as you know, can be a devastating impairment resulting in social isolation, depression and disengagement from the passions and purpose of an individual’s life.  It can interrupt a career, destroy plans for retirement and threaten relationships.  TAP Unlimited is embarking on its 18th year of service to those effected by aphasia across the Triangle and beyond. 

Our ability to pivot and create a virtual world of connection possibilities, to stay afloat and to even thrive, has been, in no small way, a result of the generosity of our donor base.  Today, we ask that you continue to support TAP by doing the following:

  • Share this story.  Share it on your social media, in emails to your family/friends and to those you work with…it will increase awareness of Aphasia and provide hope to those who feel alone in this journey.
  • Consider an end-of-year gift to TAP.  You can donate online and make it a gift by honoring someone on the aphasia journey.
  • Donations can also be mailed in the form of a check or a donation of stock. Email us for more information.

Thank you for your faith in our organization and for supporting the 12 Days of TAP!