12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 11

12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 11

Collaborations:  The Key is Connection!

A Note from Maura

When people ask me what I’ve learned most from almost two decades in a nonprofit aphasia organization, the answer is quick and comprehensive!  Whether it was in the position of Executive Director or in my new role as Director of Clinical Services, … the answer is Collaboration! TAP Unlimited has been so fortunate to develop, connect and cultivate relationships with area nonprofits, community businesses, rehabilitation professionals, universities and other aphasia centers across the globe! Being involved in Aphasia Access has allowed us to participate in projects that impact the lives of individuals with aphasia and their families, now and in the next generation of service provision. 

We couldn’t let the 12 Days of TAP wind down without recognizing this collaborative aspect of our organization.  We are not operating on an island and our connections with like minded providers has resulted in everything from community giving (i.e., TAPRoots) to game nights to research projects. Many of the projects are “behind the scenes” and are responsible for the positive image of TAP Unlimited amongst our colleagues and professional associations.

Today, the 12 Days of TAP story is about how one such collaboration was born out of a shared interest, fostered by the group leaders and is resulting in an effort by several TAP clients to assume leadership roles to inspire other aphasia programs across the United States.  Enjoy hearing about the TAP and SCALE Bible Study partnership.


A New Partnership

In May 2021, members of the TAP Unlimited Bible Study group expressed interest in meeting other people in the aphasia community who participate in Bible Study. Group leader, Julia Bryan Canavan, contacted the SCALE Program in Baltimore and invited SCALE’s Bible Study group members to virtually join TAP’s Bible Study group for fellowship and to use the Bible as a tool for improvement of speech, listening and reading. Members from both centers enjoyed sharing their faith testimonies and their favorite bible verses.

New friendships quickly developed, and members agreed to periodically meet throughout the year. Two group members from each center volunteered to co-facilitate the gatherings. These volunteers established a “focus group”, (facilitated by clinician group leaders from TAP and SCALE), to meet weekly to practice skills needed to co-facilitate aphasia groups. 

In 2022, they will begin co-leading small Bible Study groups at both centers and hope to offer their support to other aphasia programs interested in offering Bible Study groups. We have seen their personal relationships grow along with their language skills as they share and encourage one another. The TAP/SCALE partnership has provided members with access to the Word of God and to others with similar interests. Further, the collaboration has provided opportunities for members to encourage one another through their testimonies, practice their communication skills, develop leadership skills and the opportunity to co-design a model for empowering Person’s with Aphasia to re-engage in the wider-aphasia community as group facilitators.


From the Home Office

12 Days of TAP provides you, our Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited family, an opportunity to embrace the WHY of what we do. For 12 days, we share stories of those impacted by aphasia.

Aphasia can be a devastating impairment resulting in social isolation, depression and disengagement from the passions and purpose of an individual’s life. These stories demonstrate what happens when hope, determination, purpose and engagement are returned.

Our ability to provide accessible, affordable programming for individuals with aphasia and their families is a result of the generosity of our donors. Today, we ask that you continue supporting TAP by sharing these stories to build an understanding of life with aphasia and consider making a donation.

Thank you for your faith in our organization and for supporting the 12 Days of TAP!

Ways to Donate

  • Text “tapholidays” to 50155 
  • Visit aphasiaproject.org to make a one-time donation
  • Join our Ice Breaker Club to become a monthly donor
  • Donate on our Facebook Fundraiser and share with your friends
  • Print and clip the form below and mail a check
  • Make a donation of stock; email us for more information