12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 8

12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 8

A Note from Maura

I have worked in the field of Speech Pathology for many, many years and my decision and commitment to focus on aphasia brought me the gift of connection with like minded professionals, passionate about making a true difference in the lives of people robbed of the most important aspect of our being, communication. 

Truth is, people who enter this field are some of the most compassionate, empathetic and creative individuals I know. 

When I started TAP in 2003, I had incredible support and encouragement from colleagues in hospitals, rehabilitation programs and universities. They assisted in the organization and creation of materials, sharing ideas for programs and cheered us on as we launched new groups, held fundraisers and continued growing our mission. But they didn’t stop there! TAP enjoyed collaborations that were essential in “getting the word out” and advocating for people with aphasia and their families.  We are so very grateful for the trust that the Rehabilitation Professionals in our community (and the Speech Pathologists, in particular) have shown us. 

Today we are blessed to hear from one such superstar SLP, a colleague that defines person/family centered therapy and has patiently and confidently supported TAP throughout the years. Cheria Hay tells us her story of TAP involvement and while it’s humbly modest, I’d like to shine the light where it belongs. Cheria gets to know her patients; she learns of their goals and never dissuades their hope; she listens and counsels; she reaches out for resources and insures they are connected; she understands neuroplasticity and utilizes best practices; she cares. A lot.

As excited as we are that Cheria has agreed to share her story of TAP for these 12 Days…we are even more thrilled that she has recently accepted a position on our Board of Directors!  Thank You Cheria for sharing your time, talent and expertise.  


Cheria Jannell Hay

Those of you who work in healthcare can relate to the fact that work does not end when you clock out at 5:00.  I look at the people I serve as family and connect to them on a deeper level.  So, when I’m at home and see programs, books, or events that might benefit a person, I make notes and connect families to that.  Our patients and families are trying to live their best life and return to some sense of normalcy. Naturally, as a therapist I want to nurture and support that; however, there are times, when you are left feeling powerless; with thoughts like, “What I am doing is not enough.”   A previous 12 days of TAP submission really spoke to me…because I too had no answers when patients asked, ”Where do I go from here?”, “What’s next?”, “How do I do “life” with aphasia?” 

However, while completing my orientation at WakeMed, a fellow speech pathologist asked me, “Cheria, do you know about TAP?”  Karen Sprung spoke with such enthusiasm about the Triangle Aphasia Project, affectionately known as TAP.  I was excited to know that such a wonderful community resource existed in the Triangle area and beyond.  A group that has literally bridged the gap between intention and purpose, to actively engaging the person living with aphasia, as well as their families; was here in my backyard. I learned that TAP actually met in the same building where I treated outpatients in Clayton.  So, one day, I walked over and introduced myself to group leader, Heather Garrabrant, who warmly welcomed me and answered my many questions. Heather introduced me to Maura, an angel walking among us, and the rest is history.   

I was not only able to learn the process of referring clients, but they welcomed me into group sessions to learn how sessions were done, how they connected as a group, and how they empowered one another. There is truly a family approach to therapy and the love, support, and respect you feel in a TAP meeting is palpable. I have witnessed the positive impact TAP has on the families I serve and the value they place on PEOPLE and FAMILY. When families say, “Thank you so much for introducing me to TAP,” it solidifies what I already know 1) TAP consists of a selfless group of people making a difference in people’s lives and 2) I will forever be a supporter and one of your biggest fans! 


From the Home Office

12 Days of TAP provides you, our Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited family, an opportunity to embrace the WHY of what we do. For 12 days, we share stories of those impacted by aphasia.

Aphasia can be a devastating impairment resulting in social isolation, depression and disengagement from the passions and purpose of an individual’s life. These stories demonstrate what happens when hope, determination, purpose and engagement are returned.

Our ability to provide accessible, affordable programming for individuals with aphasia and their families is a result of the generosity of our donors. Today, we ask that you continue supporting TAP by sharing these stories to build an understanding of life with aphasia and consider making a donation.

Thank you for your faith in our organization and for supporting the 12 Days of TAP!

Ways to Donate

  • Text “tapholidays” to 50155 
  • Visit aphasiaproject.org to make a one-time donation
  • Join our Ice Breaker Club to become a monthly donor
  • Donate on our Facebook Fundraiser and share with your friends
  • Print and clip the form below and mail a check
  • Make a donation of stock; email us for more information

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!