Day 4 – She didn’t find the job, the job found her!

Day 4 – She didn’t find the job, the job found her!

~ Jenny K.

My name is Jenny Kearney and I’ve been the office manager at TAP for about a year and a half. I can’t believe it’s been that long! When I started working at TAP, I had no experience with aphasia or even with nonprofits. I just knew that I wanted to work somewhere that felt like it was doing good things for the community, where I could be around people, and where I might be able to use my “jack of all trades, master at none” background to help out. Wow! Did I fall into something incredible!

From the moment I walked into the main office for my interview, TAP felt like home. The physical space was warm and inviting. Maura was energetic, joyful, filled with ideas, hope, and compassion for others, and was clearly very smart and creative. Her passion for her mission was palpable, her enthusiasm contagious. I got excited about what TAP was, who it was helping, and where it wanted to go before I even met the first client. I knew immediately that this was a place I wanted to be.

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!