How sometimes HOPE is spelled T-A-P! Meet Roy G.

How sometimes HOPE is spelled T-A-P! Meet Roy G.

I was preparing for an event at church. My wife noticed that something was wrong. The first stroke occurred on September 21, 2014. The first hospital stay was 10 days.  It was obvious that I still had problems and I had to return in a couple of days. Now my problems extended to my speech. The hospital staff began speech therapy.  At the beginning of 2015, I could only put a mark to represent  my signature.  The staff at Wake Med Hospital alerted my wife to TAP.

It was not until my involvement with TAP that I could grasp the possibilities in approaching normal living again. The weekly group session provided me with interaction with others who are in varying states of recovery. It was clear that challenges were ahead for many of us. But the TAP staff provides weekly encouragement in an unintimidating, fun, and loving environment.

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