If not now, when??? Meet Steve

If not now, when??? Meet Steve

As Maura’s husband, I have been a part of this wonderful organization called TAP since its inception all those years ago. It is humbling to read all of these “12 Days of TAP” stories and to see what this small, grass roots nonprofit can do by helping one person, one family, at a time. I could not be more proud of its accomplishments and thrilled for those patients and families who have benefited by its programs.

Personally, I am indebted to all of the volunteers, therapists, board members, and supporters who have helped along the way. TAP continues to exist because of a small but passionate group of individuals who know what it can offer. In order to keep it going, however, it takes more than passion. It also takes money. TAP does not have a million-dollar donor, an entire building, or a staff of 25. It has a small office, one part-time assistant, a slew of volunteers, and a leader who continues to work and sacrifice on a daily basis, not for the money (since she doesn’t accept a salary), but for those who continue to need speech therapy services, because we all know that you can continue to improve, even when the medical establishment says you can’t.

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!