Meet Simon, aka Doc Magnet

Meet Simon, aka Doc Magnet

One Of The LUCKY Ones?
The stroke that hit me in May 2013 impacted the right side of my brain, which lead to physical disabilities to the left side of my body. My speech was not affected to any great extent.
At the time, I was enjoying life to the fullest. My eldest son was to get married the following weekend, and we were preparing the house and garden for the welcome invasion of family and friends visiting from afar. My business was in its infancy, but on the cusp of some great and exciting developments. Much was going my way when the stroke happened out of the blue.
After convalescing at WakeMed, I was referred to Maura Silverman as a highly regarded speech pathologist and a person that could play a major role in my recovery process. But I could speak – surely I didn’t need any help in that area?…

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!