Events Calendar

Day 11 – A Long Way

My name is Joelle Rogers and I have been attending groups at the Triangle Aphasia Project for a year and a half. I had a stroke in May 2016. When I started at TAP, I didn’t know this organization would be an essential part of my recovery.

In the beginning, I was not talking much. My language and memory had pretty much gone offline. A critical part of my brain wasn’t working. TAP came at the right time! Maura knew how to engage me as a person with aphasia, not a person with an intellectual disability. She was so positive about my recovery, energizing, and smart. She met with my family members and gave us the solace we needed.

Along the way, TAP has been a home to me. Through it all – the groups, volunteering at Read and Feed this summer, the holiday gatherings – TAP provides learning, mutual support, social engagement, among other things. For example, I’m a member of the back-to-work group and plan to return to working as a mental health professional. Along with my speech therapy sessions, the TAP groups give me the opportunity to regain my verbal fluency and confidence. I’m working to improve my verbal skills so that I can treat clients, talk about my story, and empower people to do what they want to do, especially those with aphasia or diverse functioning.

I’m still recovering and have a long way to go. With TAP, I know I have the support of TAP friends, speech therapists, family members, and other people to help me on my path to recovery.

Day 10 – The Force That Is Maura

I had the good fortune to meet Maura and to be introduced to TAP after the very unfortunate event of her mother suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. I was a covering therapist at WakeMed and had an opportunity to do a home visit with Maura and Joanie as part of her discharge planning, and an amazing and lasting professional relationship was born. I felt like I had met my speech therapy mirror in terms of looking at the rehabilitation of a stroke survivor as something that is limitless, empowering and POSSIBLE!

When Josh and I opened STEPS for Recovery in 2012, Maura joined our practice to have the opportunity to see some private clients, in addition to her “full-time volunteer job” at TAP. The passion with which she approached the reacquisition of functional communication skills and the joy with which she passed that knowledge on to others was contagious. I don’t have to tell any of you reading this about the force that is Maura, but one person alone cannot make an organization. Maura facilitates but the group members and coaches have ownership. Thru participation they gain confidence, spread awareness, reduce stigma and bring attention to the needs and support of individuals with aphasia.

I have had the opportunity to attend many TAP events from the June Signature Events to TAP Talks, performances of the TAPTastics to the STRIDES for Speech 5K and ½ mile walk, and the thing that stands out the most to me about this organization is the sense of community among the participants and staff. It’s like a family. Everyone knows each other, their stories and their families. The level of support, encouragement and love for one another is like nothing I have ever seen in any other group setting. It transcends the structured group activities and extends into social engagements and support networks that extend far beyond the walls of TAP. There is a constant sense that we are all in this together and when an individual succeeds in reaching a goal, expressing a thought or idea or leaves the wheelchair in the car and walks into a group for the first time, the whole group is lifted together.

People WANT to go to TAP. They look forward to the groups and they schedule their other therapies and appointments around TAP activities. Because it is thru the groups, the accountability, the shared experiences and the collective encouragement that survivors find hope and success. The social aspect relieves isolation and boredom and provides purpose for communicative efforts. The supportive atmosphere provides a safe place to try new things, both from a communication standpoint and sometimes even a physical activity. Every week I get a text, a video or a story about a physical accomplishment while attending a TAP group – walking without a device, sitting in a “regular” chair instead of a wheelchair, leaving the wheelchair in the car all together… TAP is an environment where individuals feel confident and competent and these are crucial components of successful and continued recovery.

TAP is committed to making programming and resources available to all individuals with aphasia and other stroke and brain injury survivors alike. There is no way to calculate the value of this resource to this community but it does not come without some cost. STEPS for Recovery has been and continues to be a regular supporter of TAP because we see every day that value of this program on the lives and recovery of our patients. Josh and I hope that you too will recognize and take advantage of the opportunity make a positive impact on the lives of so many with your financial support. Give the gift of HOPE this holiday season!

Day 9 – Finding ways to communicate

Lorre H (with assistance from Group Leaders Lina and Heather)

Lorre is one of the Wednesday WakeMed’s communication group longest members – having come for almost 5 years! When asked about what it was like 6 years ago when she first had a stroke, she says, “I couldn’t talk or anything at all. It was awful.”

Why does she continue to come to TAP? “I like to see everybody and work on my talking. I love to see when others get better. like that a lot.”

Although Lorre struggles to get words out sometimes, she quickly will try and write some words down to help her get her point across. Her selfless nature helps boost the morale of the group (and of her friends outside TAP who can’t drive so she volunteers to bring them places!). She is fiercely independent and refuses to give up when things get tough.

She also challenges herself by participating in Book Club.Reading was something she did a lot of prior to her stroke but struggled with afterwards. What does she think the best part is? “Oh I like that every book is so different. I like to talk to others about it. Nice to get back into it.”

Day 8 – 150% better!

David H

I had a stroke because of an aneurysm in 2016. I can’t hardly remember anything that happened. I was working at the time. After the hospital, my friends gave me a lot of help but I didn’t get normal therapy. I went to live with my dad who took care of things. I started coming to the TAP group in the summer with my dad. I couldn’t really talk then. My dad died in October [2016]. It’s ok now and my feelings are getting better.

I was living on my own in VA. My friends and my sister all live far from me. I kept coming to the group. In January [2017] TAP figured out a way I could get therapy and I have been getting better since.

I don’t know why it works. I am definitely better coming on Mondays [to the Winston-Salem TAP group]. A whole year ago, I hardly couldn’t talk. The people are nice and always help me with stuff I bring up.

It’s a mess but you’ve got to keep trying.

What other group members say about David:
“You come here every Monday and say ‘this is what I am figuring out’”
“150% better”
“I think you have limited opportunities to talk. I think it is good you come here.”
“He’s excitable, talking with aphasia!”
“When he started, he had limited vocabulary. Now he has a broader vocabulary. You are very good at talking now.”

Day 7 – TAP is a second home!

Don B

When I am at TAPS I feel at home. I feel like there are other people just like me that I can completely relate to and talk with on the same level. There is a special commonality and comradery that I feel with my TAPS friends and I have developed some special friendships with them over the past two years. I really enjoy spending time with them and their spouses and have spent many wonderful evenings socializing and getting to know them better outside of TAPS as well.

I especially enjoy the many various activities that TAPS has to offer each week like our singing group, harmonica playing, group discussions, writing classes and performing. I really enjoyed the recent TAPS fundraiser where I was cheered on as I crossed the finish line~ that meant allot to me. Our trip to the Legislature this summer where we met our state representatives and lobbied for TAPS was a very memorable and fun time as well!

There is really so much to say about what TAPS means to me…TAPS has helped me regain so much of my ability to talk and enabled me to better express what I want to say to those around me with confidence. In summary, TAPS has become a very big part of my life and where I go each week to find acceptance, encouragement and hope. I love all of the people at TAPS and all that it means to me.~

Day 6 – Never Give Up

Lorraine Scott (Written by Jeanine Richardson)

My mother, Lorraine Scott, had a stroke March 16, 2013. We were told it was a massive stroke due to her initial loss of speech and the loss of movement on her right side. While at Wake Med Hospital, during therapy we were advised of TAP Unlimited, and how this program could help mom recover at her own pace. We filled out the client intake form, with a referral from the Wake Med therapists and carried on with the daunting task of recovery. Mom went to an additional therapy program in Zebulon, and the consensus was they had reached their limit with her recovery. It was stated that she could always remember more words over time.

After my mother moved in with me from rehab, Maura contacted us and inquired if we were still interested in TAP. At the time I was overwhelmed and advised yes, however I would be unable to get her to the weekday groups. She suggested not to give up on the opportunity and to come to the Open House TAP was having in a week. We went to the Open House and what made me feel secure about mom joining was when Maura came up to us and first acknowledged my mother. She then encouraged mom to speak, not nod, but attempt to articulate a word. I was impressed immediately. Too many times I have seen experts ignore my mom and speak to me about her, in front of her. Maura made it a point to engage my mother. She also suggested we attend the Saturday Cary speech group determining it would be a good fit. She was right, and it has made a world of difference.

Each Saturday mom and I attend the Cary speech group. It has given my mother the confidence to use her words more and she has also learned more options of communication; writing, and gestures. During her time with TAP, mom has developed new hobbies such as painting and making jewelry. With the help of such great instructors like Kelley Shaver and Betsy Janes, mom has the additional support she needs to continue improving. We are very grateful for TAP.

Day 5 – “I Need the Thing!”

Jennifer C

I will never forget that awful Saturday morning of March 26, 2011 when a blood clot shot into the speech center of my brain, blocking blood flow and damaging brain tissue. In other words, I had a classic ischemic stroke.

“What?” Tom asked desperately. “What can I get you?”

I really, really wanted to tell my husband Tom about this weird sensation of having SO MANY THOUGHTS in my head, but I couldn’t get them out. I grabbed his arm and tried to say something, anything. I stared in his eyes, willing him to read my mind. I’M A PRISONER, I was screaming in my head. MY WORDS ARE TRAPPED. HELP ME. UNDERSTAND ME. But all that would come out was a helpless, “I need the thing.”

Tom called EMS, and the next few days were a blur of tests and scans. One of the few clear moments was when my doctor said, “The damage done to the brain tissue is permanent, but we can stop more damage from happening.”

Brain damage. Permanent.

After a brief hospital stay, I was teamed with Julie Huffman, a speech pathologist at Rex Hospital. As Julie explained, the best way to get your words back is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. The brain, she explained, can actually regrow neurons to replace the ones killed off by my stroke. In other words, the harder you search for the right word, the easier it is to remember it the next time.
I am very fortunate. My aphasia symptoms are pretty mild compared to other people. But I completely understand the frustration of stuttering, of searching for the right word, of having very complex ideas trapped in your brain looking for a way out. Even when talking with friends and family, aphasia is TIRING. It’s HARD. It’s DISCOURAGING. I saw how quickly even an EXTREME extrovert like me could so easily start avoiding crowds or even one-on-one conversations with close friends and family. But then Julie introduced me to TAP.

Going to my first meeting was like going to a family reunion for the family I had never met before. It was a comforting, inspiring, and safe place. No one judged me. No one finished my sentences (wrongly) for me. I never felt pressured to “hurry up and get it out!” It was a place where people patiently waited for me to locate, process, and execute the necessary movements to say the right word. And because I was in such a place of understanding, the stress of “getting it right” was gone. I was able to “get it right” more and more often. I was able to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and take that confidence home with me.

I continually thank Maura, Julie, Jenny, and everyone at TAP who comes together for groups, book clubs, writing groups, challenge groups, and my personal favorite, TAProots (the garden group). You all are helping folks like me find ways to communicate and stay active with friends, family, and community.

Day 4 – WordCloud

Richard and Leon (with support from Katie B and forward by Maura S)

In every family tree, there are individuals who serve as the roots,…those individuals who because of their place in the family have helped build it’s legacy. They encourage growth and support the foundation by just living their lives and sharing triumphs and challenges of lives with Aphasia. I have known the two men in this story for many years. Richard suffered his initial stroke in 1999. Returning to Duke as a endeared professor, self-determined and committed to recovery of his speech even after a second stroke took so much of his speech away. Richard also believed in TAP…knew what we were trying to do in connection with the community and has maintained an active role in a variety of the TAP groups every week. Moreover, he serves as a welcoming and inspirational cohort to his friends here at TAP who share the understanding of aphasia’s impact on a person’s life.


TAP’s group is Croasdaile also includes Leon, another “longtimer” with TAP. Leon was one of the first TAP clients served and he and his family have embraced the programming throughout the years. His contagious smile and genuine love of connection provides any TAP groups with a positive light.

With challenges in speech and word finding, Katie B (one of our awesome Group Leaders) offered Richard and Leon an opportunity to contribute to the 12 Days of TAP by generating a “word cloud” with all the thoughts/ideas/associations that spoke to them about TAP Unlimited. This WordCloud submission is one of my favorites because of its creativity and spot-on identification of our mission. Thanks Richard, Leon and Katie!

Day 3 – PPA: Keeping positive!

Margie S for David S

I began seeing subtle changes in my husband, Dave, before the holidays in 2016. He had been retired for about five years and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy the slower pace of life since leaving the company where he worked for 31 years. As a human resource officer, he engaged prospective employees in conversation as a way to check their suitability for the company. Once his working years were behind him, he became quieter no longer needing those skills. He would listen to what I was saying to him and always showed interest in others’ conversation. But other than nodding and smiling, he started leaving the talking to others.

At times when we were out for dinner, Dave would apologize for not being a “sparkling conversationalist” as he had been earlier in our marriage. I told him “that was alright…and that if you had something to say, you would say it.” Did not realize my not encouraging him to talk more was actually not good for him.

Dave would comment that he was becoming like his dad was in his later years…quiet. That also seemed to make sense to me and didn’t think it unusual. But then I began to see some signs that Dave was slowing down in his thinking and difficulty getting his thoughts put into words. His daughter, a family practice doctor in Clinton, NC noticed this too. She advised that her dad see a neurologist, which, thankfully, he agreed to do. After an MRI and neuro-psych testing, it was confirmed that my husband had the beginning stages of dementia and had aphasia.

We didn’t know exactly what aphasia was then, but fortunately, Dave’s daughter discovered TAP and urged us to be in touch with the organization to see if some of the classes might be a good fit for Dave.

As Dave and I began to realize what aphasia was and the different kinds there could be through Maura’s introduction – especially in Dave’s case, it wasn’t something that would likely “get better.” He has Primary Progressive Aphasia. We could only hope that with continued work, that Dave would only be able to slow the progression with hope to retain as much speaking ability as possible.

We were pleased to see there was an aphasia group meeting in Clayton, a 15-minute drive from our house. The other group, the Book Club, suited Dave well as he has always been a reader.

It’s been a treat to see Dave attending his group sessions as if they were “required courses.” Tuesdays are his “class days” and he makes sure any homework assignments are done for the next class. It has been a comfort to him knowing he’s not the only one with speech problems. In some ways, he brings to his group sessions abilities the others do not have, so something positive for him in light of the aphasia he has.

A progressive disorder as Dave has can be discouraging. But with the TAP group leaders’ positive approach integrated with homework and reading assignments, we have to believe those are what keeps Dave faithfully coming back each week and keeping his brain active.

Although Dave has PPA, we may not see the gradual improvement stroke victims may experience, but to be in an engaging setting where he feels comfortable is a blessing. We’re so fortunate to have TAP available to us in this area!

Day 2 – Surpassing Expectations

Toi L (with contributions from Group Leaders Heather and Lina)

In November 2015 Toi had a major stroke and after the stroke she was placed in multiple therapies. During this time Jill, who became her speech therapist, recommended the TAP program so we took her advice and we were met with a group of wonderful participants and leaders.

The support and easy learning environment has surpassed all expectations for Toi’s speaking and her social skills. TAP is a must-have program for anyone who struggles with aphasia and the social challenges that come with it.  At TAP, Toi is given a supportive environment in which she can express her thoughts and opinions – which she has many that we love to hear!

“Toi brings so much enthusiasm and fun to the WakeMed TAP group. She’s always ready to discuss her favorite sports teams (Carolina and Panthers!)  and adds a lot of insight and humor to discussions on current events.  She reaches out to new members and makes everyone feel welcome and glad that they came. She genuinely cares about the recovery of others and provides her TAP family with continuous support.  Toi works very hard in book club and enjoys the challenges and joys that reading and group discussions bring.” (Group Leader, Lina)
“What about ‘Toi brings so much enthusiasm to the WakeMed TAP group discussions. She reaches out to new members and makes everyone feel welcome and glad that they came. Toi works very hard in book club and enjoys the challenges and joys that Reading and group discussions bring.” (Group Leader, Heather)

Day 1 – The Gift of Time

Jenni S.

Anyone who has become a part of the TAP family can appreciate how quickly life can change in the blink of an eye. The shift in identity for those of us, our families, and friends who have endured these events is immediate and life-altering. A second in time can bring heartbreak, anger, and frustration.
But the passage of time is also a gift. We are still here.

Time brings perspective. In 2013, I was featured as part of the 12 Days of TAP. At the time, I was an active member of the TAP Challenge and Back to Work groups and had just returned to work after sustaining a traumatic brain injury that June. I was still processing the realities of living with aphasia and apraxia of speech. I was also still working through the grief of losing my dad to stroke the previous October. In a way, my injury was a gift because it allowed me to focus on something (anything) other than the pain I felt after his death. The first time I walked into TAP’s office, the inspiration, encouragement, and motivation was palpable. For the first time, I truly felt like recovery was possible. But more than recovery, I felt like living life was possible. Seeing other group members going through similar struggles reiterated to me that we are people (first) trying to navigate an often confusing and frustrating “new” normal.

Today (December 1st), I rode my bike to UNC to attend class and watched the trees shed the last of their leaves. It has now been 1874 days since my dad died and 1674 days since my traumatic brain injury.

But today, it has also been 562 days since my daughter Ellie was born. I see my dad in her face and in her sense of humor. I see my stubbornness (so key to my recovery) in her tenacity. I see my husband (who previously had the dual role of caregiver) in her thoughtfulness. No matter what I do from this point, she will always be my greatest accomplishment.

It has also been 466 days since I returned to school to pursue a doctorate in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Over the past year, my husband Paul (who also returned to school to pursue a doctorate in Health Policy and Management in 2015) conducted a study identifying access barriers to outpatient rehabilitative care after stroke. I am also working on identifying better informational supports for caregivers of people with aphasia. We all know there is still so much work to be done.
Last October, I participated in TAP’s first annual Strides for Speech 5K. It happened to be the same date I lost my dad. But that day I shed happy tears. On these 12 days of TAP, I am grateful for my TAP family and the inspiration TAP gave me to handle my own “new” normal, which is now just my life.

12 Days of Tap 2021: Day 12

A Note from Maura

Some stories are complete on their own… this one, the story of a determined man and a dedicated family needs little introduction! As a matter of fact, I encourage you to thoroughly read and absorb the narratives contained in this 12 Days Story, watch the corresponding videos and understand the significant impact of aphasia on a family… on their roles, their plans and the strength that sustains them.  It’s a personal and professional honor to know Todd, Meg, Kate and Jack Berreth.


Todd Berreth

I had a massive stroke one year ago this week. I’m sad for the unfortunate nature of it all. I feel scared or despondent sometimes, but life intervenes with happiness and laughing too.

I have exciting adventures frequently. I am a blissful and contented boy. Meg and I go to Beer Study, drink beer (stouts or porters for myself, and IPAs for Meg), and play CodeNames party game. Jack (my son) has some high school cross-country races I can attend. He is a determined and fast sophomore varsity runner. When I watch Jack run, I can be back at school, a high school or college athlete, running in a race too in my past. Kate (my daughter) enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania and she is going there as a freshman. She has fire, passion and heart rolled up into one, and a fierce intelligence that speaks to me. She might major in political science eventually. Twenty years ago, Meg and I completed graduate school at University of Pennsylvania, in Architecture (for myself) and Nurse Midwifery (for Meg). We know that Kate will pursue something of substance and potential whenever she feels like it.

I have aphasia right now. Speech, reading and writing are hard problems to solve. I am worried sometimes but then lightness ensues, words become easier with time, and communication is more fluid and natural with effort. I like public speaking, a lot, but I’ll slow down for a while until aphasia eases up a little. Speech is really vital for my profession, an assistant professor of art and design, and its various responsibilities. I focus on humor for mental stress and strain. Laughter is the key to anything with learning difficulties.

Meg, my wife, is my heart and my light. She stood beside me at my bedside for days after the stroke, and then for 5 weeks of rehabilitation therapy in the hospital, and then at home afterward. She has given me one year of enthusiastic and focused motivation and support. Meg is sad and exhausted sometimes about the stroke and the aphasia.

On top of that, Meg’s mom died last month which was hard for us all. She had to go to the darkness, beyond the other side, to lightness, lovely feelings and hope.

TAP (Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited support groups) are a God-sent for me…Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, etc. are there for support! I have a TAP reading group on Tuesday morning. I am reading ‘Concussion’, by Jeanne Marie Laskas, about NFL concussions and brain injury and Dr. Bennet Omalu discovery of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). Dr. Omalu identified brain trauma, lesions and torsions of the brain structure, from several dead ex-NFL players in the Pittburgh Steelers organization, and the aftermath of it. We’ll finish up the book next week, and then read a novel by Catherine Gildiner, ‘Too Close to the Falls’, in three weeks after the break.

I have a TAP Movie Group Wednesday mornings (“The Artist”, “City Lights”, “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles”, and “Roxanne”, etc.), three TAP Conversations and Connections Groups meeting other times of the week, a Back to Work Group on Thursday night, and then News & Current Events Group sometimes. Great schedule! The speech therapists are awesome, all of them! We discuss inspired conversations on various topics, holding my hand a little bit sometimes, but encouraging me to try harder in a motivating and helpful manner.

Rich Bell, my brother-in-law, helps me with speech and conversational fluency. We talk about family concerns and news of the week and have lively discussions, kvetching, playful banter, etc. while doing so. We started at the beginning of the stroke recovery process, 10 months ago, with words, nouns, verbs and adjectives, tenses and conjunctions, meanings of the words and flow of them. I wrote this letter and Rich then proofread it. Rich is outstanding in every way!

I play Dungeons and Dragons each Sunday afternoon, with Trevor Berreth (my brother) and Matt Curtis (my brother-in-law) and will continue for a while into the future. Trevor is a great dungeon master, and he creates some difficult problems to solve, ad infinitum. We have a series of adventures in Waterdeep, a city in the northern province of the Sword Coast, in the world of Forgotten Realms. I have a player character, Emilee Garrisay, a elf mage, and Matt’s character, Rhogar of the Borkaddish, a dragonborn paladin, we travel through the city investigating crimes, righting wrongs, fighting villians, and generally being badasses! But I digress…

I went to a memorial service last month. It was for Meg’s mother, Elisabeth Curtis. Elisabeth passed away four weeks ago, on November 5th, 2021, with Meg, Meg’s sister Jennifer and Betsey Granda (an old friend and companion) by her side. She had leukemia for 18 months. Then, she had an infection, pneumonia, that killed her in two weeks. Terrible/awful news. She had a great death though. Friends and family stopped by to pay their respects.

Elisabeth had a joyous life, with humor and laughter, all around. Elisabeth and Betsey formed Arcadia with others, 27 years ago. Then, a new alternative housing community was created, with roots in solar housing and passive and green building movements. Elisabeth gardened furiously- with passion and verve. She was elected to lead the landscaping committee for 20-something years.

I have been driving for a while now, about four months or so. I think it’s fine but I have lost the use of my right arm and hand for a while. I have been running 3 – 4 times a week, for 3 miles, walking sometimes, but my arm hurts too. I have a sling which helps. Jack and I have a race two days from now, in Pittsboro, NC, a 5k run.

I’d like to go back to work in six months from now, but I will see if I can make it happen. Hopefully, I’ll pursue three research projects in the next year or two.

First, I will be researching and coding an art project. I’ll be solo for this. I’ll try new things like machine learning and computer vision for old photographs/pictures. I’ll take technology, chemistry/biological structures, etc. then rotating, translating and coloring them appropriately. I’ll try to have an exhibition in the Winter of 2023.

Secondly, Emil Polyak, Pat FitzGerald and I’ll research Story-Go-Round, an augmented reality experience (Story-Go-Round: A Carousel-based Platform for AR Storytelling). We proposed in 2018, for an Art and Design undergraduate studio, and developed it in the semester. We wrote and discussed a submission to Siggraph 2020, and another one in November 2020 for a paper in ICERI 2020. I will prepare and code some things for an Azure Kinect depth camera assignment and coding exercises.

Finally, I’ll work on a Visual Narrative project with Arnav Jhala, Frederico Freitas and Matt Wu. We’ll propose a submission for a NSF grant for the Fall of 2022 or Spring 2023. I and others wrote or presented on Urban Panorama, via a multi-city forte into design interfaces and machine-learning stuff. (t-SNE Street Feature Mapping Tool)

Hopefully, I’ll teach a graduate Art and Design studio in Spring 2023 with my colleagues, Pat FitzGerald, Tania Allen, Lee Cherry, Marc Russo, or others.

I’ll leave it there for now. I’m doing a little bit better every single day. Aphasia is hard and fatiguing sometimes. I think I will have it for about two or three years’ time up until the rest of my lifetime.

I’m grateful and blessed to have everyone in our lives, always! Meg and I have Jennifer Curtis to thank for being there, through thick or thin, during the post-stroke process. Jen met to console Meg and lend a hand through the difficult and happy times. Kate and Jack were helpful and supportive as well. Thank you for everything. Friends and family stopped by to bring something for dinner. People shopped for groceries for us. The families deposited money for medical expenses and wrote some checks for supplies and food. An old friend packed up paper occupational/physical therapy banners and sent them to me every month. Everything about it all is touching and joyful!

By Jack Berreth (son, age 16): In the last year my father has taught me many things, yet I think one the most relevant of those lessons is: you have no choice or say in the natural occurrence of tragedy, yet you have a great choice and influence over whether or not that tragedy will endure. My father saw a loss of many things in the last year, whether it be a loss of usual ability, movement, or at times connection, but he never saw a loss in his outlook. When at times he was faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, he never once stopped, stepped back, or shied away. The same distinctive and unflappable diligence and tenacity that drove his success as an educator, as an athlete, and as a father is increasingly visible in all of the implausible improvement that he has made over the last year. One who might be unknowing of my father might say “how can someone make such unattainable improvements in such a short time? “ But for someone to say that would be completely unaware of my father, because to him, nothing is unattainable. 

By Kate Berreth (daughter, age 18): It has been a year since my dad’s stroke and sometimes I am struck by the amount of things that have changed in my life since last year. However, when I think about the ways my dad changed I am reminded that he has changed a million times more. After my fathers stroke it became incredibly important to me that my dad felt like he could continue to parent me even if it meant me helping him scold me or watching as he struggled through a task I knew I could do faster.

But, allowing my father to continue parenting after his stroke didn’t solely lead to uncomfortable interactions, it led to moments of incredible support and connection. My dad supported me wordlessly from the hospital when I got into college, was there when I graduated from high school, and helped me set up my dorm. The ways in which my dad has been able to offer me and my family support has changed throughout his recovery. However, I have never stopped feeling his unwavering support.

One of the main ways my dad helps us is through the endless motivation he seems to have in recovering. Whether it be in his occupational therapy, physical therapy, or his TAP groups, my dad never turns down a chance to practice and get better. I am so proud of the progress my father has made and the community he has found in TAP.

Meg Berreth (wife)

This month marks a year since Todd’s stroke. We were preparing to hear about whether our oldest child was accepted into her first-choice college when our lives were turned upside down. Todd was a 51-year old avid runner with no health problem;, a stroke was the last thing any of us expected. He was still in the Neuro ICU when one of the Nurse Practitioners mentioned TAP and I am so glad she did. After five weeks in the hospital, Todd came home to continue his recovery. Maura held a training for our family to help them communicate with Todd and support his recovery. I will never forget something that she said: “well, the worst thing has already happened, it only gets better from here.”

Todd has worked so hard to come back to us. His sunny disposition and determination are a wonder to behold. TAP has been instrumental in providing a community that understands what he is going through. More than that, the groups have helped Todd continue in his recovery – when I had to go back to work it was such a relief to know that he could have TAP groups to provide speech practice.  Todd is hopeful to return to his job as a professor in the design school at NC State and I know that all the time speaking and reading with TAP will help him towards this goal.

Todd and our son will be running a 5k this month and while I it won’t be Todd’s fastest time, it will be a testament to his hard work (and honestly, it will probably be faster than any 5K time I have ever achieved!).

This year has been such a challenge —  having the support and resources from TAP have made such a difference in Todd’s recovery. We are so very grateful. 


From the Home Office

12 Days of TAP provides you, our Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited family, an opportunity to embrace the WHY of what we do. For 12 days, we share stories of those impacted by aphasia.

Aphasia can be a devastating impairment resulting in social isolation, depression and disengagement from the passions and purpose of an individual’s life. These stories demonstrate what happens when hope, determination, purpose and engagement are returned.

Our ability to provide accessible, affordable programming for individuals with aphasia and their families is a result of the generosity of our donors. Today, we ask that you continue supporting TAP by sharing these stories to build an understanding of life with aphasia and consider making a donation.

Thank you for your faith in our organization and for supporting the 12 Days of TAP!

Ways to Donate

  • Text “tapholidays” to 50155 
  • Visit to make a one-time donation
  • Join our Ice Breaker Club to become a monthly donor
  • Donate on our Facebook Fundraiser and share with your friends
  • Print and clip the form below and mail a check
  • Make a donation of stock; email us for more information

Heart to Heart: Help Support Spanish Programming!