Planned Giving Resources

Have you considered endowing your annual gift to leave behind a legacy? A gift through your estate plan will enable us to continue providing much-needed services to those in need. “Giving now as well as through our estate, is just a way for us to pay it forward” –An anonymous couple 

Here are resources to get you started or you can email us at to start a conversation. 

Planned Giving Resources 

Stock Transfer Instructions 

Legal Name: Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited 

Account No.: WA8-119257

DTC No.: 0226

Brokerage Firm: Truist Investment Services

Please ask your broker to note on the transfer that the shares are coming from you, so we may promptly credit you with the gift. The donation is valued at the average price of the stock on the day it is transferred.

Please contact Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited by phone at 919-650-3854 or by email and provide them with the following information: 

  • Number of shares being transferred 
  • Name of securities (preferably with CUSIP number) being transferred  
  • Name of broker making the transfer 

Sample Bequest Language 

I give, devise, and bequeath to Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited in Cary, NC the sum of $___ or ___% of my residual estate OR the following described property to be used for their unrestricted use.

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