What is Aphasia

Aphasia (uh-fay-zhuh)


Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that can affect language production (speaking, writing) and processing (understanding, reading). Aphasia occurs following a stroke, brain injury, brain tumor, or less frequently a progressive neurological disease.

Aphasia does not impact a person’s intellect; it is strictly a disorder of language production and processing. The onset of aphasia is sudden and shocking to the person with aphasia and their loved ones. Aphasia makes communicating, actively participating in home and community activities, and engaging in relationships more difficult. Communication is essential to our daily activities. 

Aphasia is a chronic, long lasting, condition. Many people with aphasia improve, however, residual language problems can persist. Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited (TAP) is on a mission to provide continued support to persons with aphasia, their loved ones and communities to maximize communicative potential and reduce barriers of social engagement.

The doctors and nurses saved my mom’s life after her stroke. TAP gave my mom her life back through community, acceptance, confidence, advocacy, and support.


Suddenly you are transported to a foreign country where you can’t speak or understand the spoken or written language. Your intellect is intact, and you have a clear knowledge of what you want to say. You have your thoughts but can’t access the words to say or even write them. Words you hear or read appear unclear or without reference. “Why can’t I communicate?”

What you have just imagined is what life can feel like for individuals with aphasia. Remember – a person with aphasia retains intelligence, but experiences difficulty in speaking, reading, writing, and understanding spoken language.

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Different types of Aphasia

Click the link below to learn more about the different types of aphasia:

What is Aphasia? | Lingraphica

Aphasia Awareness Statistics

  • 84.5% of people have never heard the term “Aphasia.”
  • About 1 in 3 strokes result in aphasia.
  • There are at least 2,000,000 people in United States with aphasia.
  • Stroke is a leading cause of disability.
  • More people have aphasia than have many other common conditions, including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or muscular dystrophy.

TAP Spring Break 3/31 - 4/4 (No Groups!)